Efficient onboarding Configure a welcome message and a temporary role for new community members to build well-structured onboarding and ensure they are comfortable joining the server. The feature can also be helpful as a security mechanism against some attacks in your community.
Add to Discord Moderation Create convenient commands to manage moderation in your community and efficiently process user complaints: bans, timeouts, warns, and more! Each command is fully auditable, and all modules support mutual integration to make major processes as simple as possible.
Add to Discord Logging and audit Improve the security of your community and stay informed about suspicious activity and potential breaches by receiving detailed notifications about significant events on the server in specified text channels with customizable granularity and convenient access.
Add to Discord Autochannels and giveaways Massively decrease the number of channels on the server with the autochannels feature, which creates voice channels on demand and deletes them when not actively used. And create breathtaking automated giveaways to incentivize users' interest in your community.
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